Ready for Retirement? Your FUTURE depends on it!
Retirement might be years away for you, but you have this persistent nagging feeling inside. You might even be comparing your financial situation to specific friends, coworkers, or peers around you. You observe that you are the less financially prepared for your retirement than the others. You are not as relaxed about retirement; in fact, you are downright worried and ill prepared for this stage in your life. The self-deprecating thoughts in your head might be chanting, “Just like the highly educated Mr. Jones over there with a very successful career and a fantastic financial plan, I could have, I would have, I should have…” I could have chosen a better job with a higher pay. If I had foreseen tough times, I would have started saving for my retirement earlier. I should have contributed more money to my 401’k through the years.
Many of us today get all caught up in everyday living that we don’t put much priority on looking ahead into our “Golden Years” of retirement. We can no longer plan like our parents and grandparents.- It’s important to determine the amount of money that you will need in retirement
- Create your own goals for a successful retirement
- Eliminate debt and improve cash flow
- Select the retirement plan distribution choice that is right for you
- Plan your retirement income to preserve a comfortable standard of living
- Transfer the risk of potential financial losses before or during retirement
- Reduce or eliminate taxes, expenses, delays and legal challenges with estate planning