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Financial Education

Financial Education, Financial Education
All of our clients are welcome and encouraged to attend educational workshops in addition to one-on-one wealth coaching on a regular basis. All of these workshops are offered free of charge to existing asset management clients. To find out about dates for upcoming workshops, call us at (503) 620-3531 or go to the Workshops & Events section of our website. Workshops & Educational Events in the Curriculum for Conscious Investing Separating Myths From Truths What are the myths of investing? Many of the mistakes that investors make are due to the fact that most of the information they receive about investing is marketing in disguise. Ever wonder why everyone seems to have a different opinion on how you should invest your money? Ever wonder why an investment that you bought didn’t do as well as you had expected? Find out how the investment world really works in this first step to conscious investing. Discovering your True Purpose for Money True Purpose for Money is the crucial first step that paves the way for long-lasting satisfaction and fulfillment about financial decisions. In this workshop, we will help you identify those things that are more important than money itself. The answers to some key questions will help you identify the values that will serve as your compass for your financial decisions. Find out how you’ve been trapped in the Investors’ Dilemma, and then reveal your own True Purpose for Money. Choosing your Investment Philosophy A solid, well-understood investment philosophy provides a stable foundation upon which to base future decisions. Once you have an investment philosophy, it will simplify every decision you will ever have to make about investing. This is one of the most important – but usually overlooked – aspects of investing. Defeating your Money Demons Locked within each of us are deeply rooted belief systems about money and what it means. In many ways, we are the sum-total of our beliefs. When you bring your Money Demons to the level of awareness, you can defeat them and create new beliefs that lead to different actions and outcomes. Understanding the Dimensions of Risk & Return The terms “risk” and “return” have different meanings to different people. It’s easy to get confused. Understanding the Dimensions of Risk and Return clarifies these frequently talked about, yet rarely understood, concepts of investing. Focusing on your Future View Deliberately reveal what is most important so you can clearly focus on making your dreams come true. You will shed new light on what it is you want money to accomplish. In this way, you re-define your own investment “success.” Examining your Expectations Begin to understand the relationship between expectations and results and you will see that it is crucial to your peace of mind about investing. No matter what it is in life, your expectations are the deciding factor in how you feel about the outcome. Creating your Core Covenants Use this step-by-step guide to create your own core covenants. This program walks you through the process of writing core covenants and teaches you how to use them with the important people in your life. Customizing your Lifelong Gameplan The final component walks you and your financial coach through a clear process so you can integrate and customize all of the personal information you have revealed throughout the Curriculum. Your Lifelong Gameplan is a comprehensive, cohesive document that merges both the coaching and financial components of your investing future. Conscious Investing for Peace of Mind This necessary component is a fun introduction to all of the concepts in the Curriculum and offers the opportunity to better understand what we call “the human side of investing.” Take the Conscious Investor Quiz, learn the Conscious Investor Formula, and begin to ask the “right” questions about investing.


  • Is some or all of your money at risk?
  • Are you concerned with market volatility?
  • Do you have enough money saved for retirement?
  • Who would fund your retirement or take care of you if you are unprepared?
  • Do you want your principal protected in case of an emergency?

If just one of these items are a concern you need to call us NOW at (503) 620-3531