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Privacy Policy – Garry F. Liday Corporation When you become our client, you entrust us with more than just your money as you also give us your personal information. Garry F. Liday Corporation is committed to safeguarding that information. That is why we hold in the strictest confidence all the personal information you give us. We do not sell, rent or trade any client information to other companies. The kinds of information we collect: If you open an investment account or apply for insurance: We will ask you to provide information about your financial status such as employment, income, monthly expenses and assets, as well as identifying information such as your address, telephone number and Social Security number. In most cases, you give us this information in person, on the phone, mail or through a Web site. We will safeguard all these information and ensure you that they are in safe hands. How we use this information: The information we collect is used to help us deliver the services you’ve requested. It may also permit us to design and offer specific products and services that we believe will be useful to you and other clients.  Who has access to this information: Garry F. Liday Corporation’s employees are permitted access the information they need to perform their jobs on your behalf. We maintain strict internal policies against unauthorized disclosure or use of client information by employees. Companies or individuals that you ask us to share with: At your request, we will also share information with your attorney, accountant, tax preparer, trustee or anyone who represents you in a fiduciary capacity. Garry F. Liday Corporation will get your permission prior to sharing your information with an outside person or firm. Information shared will apply only to the specific purpose to which you consent. Courts, regulatory and government bodies: Certain federal and state laws may require us to share information about you with courts, regulatory bodies and other governmental agencies. For example, if you are involved in a legal matter with a third party entity, we may be ordered to provide information to a court or other party. In these circumstances, only the specific information required by law, subpoena, or court order will be shared. If permissible, we may notify you as a courtesy. Privacy online: Garry F. Liday Corporation considers privacy, security and service to be just as critical in the online environment as in the rest of our operation. Garry F. Liday Corporation uses a variety of proven protections to maintain the security of your online session. For example, we make extensive use of firewall barriers, encryption techniques and authentication procedures. We also use cookies and similar files that may be placed on your hard drive for security purposes, to facilitate site navigation, and to personalize your experience on our site. When we conduct business online, we may collect technical and navigational information, such as computer browser type, Internet protocol address, pages visited, and average time spent on our Web sites. This information may be used, for example, to alert you to software compatibility issues; or it may be analyzed to improve our Web design and functionality. Notification of Changes: If we change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on our Web site so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected. How we protect your information: Garry F. Liday Corporation has always considered the protection of sensitive information to be a sound business practice and a foundation of customer trust. We employ extensive information protection controls in keeping with industry standards and practices, and we regularly adapt these physical, electronic, and procedural controls to respond to changing requirements and advances in technology. Papers or documents that contain your personal information are maintained in our secure offices. Our computer systems are designed to ensure that your information is not placed at risk. Before we discard any papers or documents that contain personal information about you, we first shred that material through a secure destruction operation. Our trash is kept in secure facilities prior to destruction and removal.


  • Is some or all of your money at risk?
  • Are you concerned with market volatility?
  • Do you have enough money saved for retirement?
  • Who would fund your retirement or take care of you if you are unprepared?
  • Do you want your principal protected in case of an emergency?

If just one of these items are a concern you need to call us NOW at (503) 620-3531